Streaming in portrait mode in the Be.Live Studio

Learn how to enable the portrait orientation in the Studio to stream in vertical mode!
Written by Daria
Updated 7 months ago

If you're looking to take your live streams to the next level, streaming in portrait mode directly from the Be.Live Studio is a great way to do it! This feature allows you to broadcast in a vertical format, making it easier for your viewers to watch your show on their mobile devices or on social platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or any other platform where vertical videos are supported!

In this article, we'll walk you through the steps to enable portrait mode in the Studio, so you can start creating more engaging content!

How to enable the Portrait mode?

  1. Go to the Be.Live Studio.
  2. Use a Portrait orientation option next to the layout controls to change the mode:
  3. If you want your camera or media size to be automatically adjusted to fit the screen, go to Settings -> General -> tick the Automatically adjust camera/media size option:

❗ Feature limitations:

  • It’s not possible to change the orientation while being live.
  • Controls to change the orientations are only available for the hosts.
  • Widgets are not available with vertical orientation and the option is disabled in Toolbar when Portrait mode is selected.
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